Grading system

Czech GradeECTS Grade
1 – Excellent (excellent performance)A/B
2 – Very Good (above the average standard but with
some errors)
3 – Good (generally sound work with a number of
notable errors)
4 – Fail (unsatisfactory performance)FX/F
To successfully pass the examination means to
achieve the result excellent, very good or good.
PASS – student’s achievement in some subjects are
graded only as ‘pass’ = student has obtained
satisfactory level

Jabok uses the ECTS system (see ECTS credits above). We use this grade distribution transfer

ECTS Grade% of successful students
normally achieving the grade
A10outstanding performance with only
minor errors
B25above the average standard but
with some errors
C30generally sound work with a
number of notable errors
D25fair but with significant
E10performance meets the minimum criteria
FX-FAIL – some more work required
before the credit can be awarded
F-FAIL – considerable further work
is required

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) indicates a workload-based system for measuring and comparing study results. The student is awarded a certain number of ECTS credits for each course which reflects the workload necessary to successfully complete a course. Credits are awarded only when the student has fulfilled the course requirements stated by the teacher, such as regular attendance, activity during the lessons, completion of ongoing tasks etc. The credits are allocated by the individual departments in accordance with the standard workload determined by the respective study and examination regulations.

  • one academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, the whole study to 180 ECTS
  • hours per credit point = 26-30

Transcripts of Records (ToR) are issued within 5 weeks to both incoming and outgoing students. ToR of incoming students include a description of or a link to the national grading system.